A photofacial, also known as photorejuvenation, is a treatment touted to reverse sun damage, even out facial color as well as improve tone and texture in the process. In other words, photofacial treatments:
tighten pores
reduce the severity of acne
reduce the appearance of or eliminate sun spots and freckles
lessen hyperpigmentation
treat skin flushing and skin redness
reduce the appearance of scars (acne, chickenpox, etc.)
reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
reverse sun damage
treat vascular lesions (broken capillaries, blood vessels, telangiectasia, rosacea)
improve facial contour
boost collagen and elastin production
IPL, which stands for intense pulsed light, is a powerful light source that is used for skin rejuvenation and has the ability to penetrate the skin with minimal skin damage. Like the laser, it works by filtering various wavelengths of light to react with specific skin conditions, effectively stimulating skin regeneration in the epidermis as well as the dermis via increased collagen and elastin fibre production by gently injuring the deep layers of the skin while sparing damage to its outer layers, inducing a natural wound healing mechanism.
This controlled injury imposed on the dermis, which is below the skin’s most superficial layer, the epidermis, is a major factor in what leads to younger, fresher, tighter skin.
IPL photofacial treatments also have an impact on acne, reducing sebaceous gland activity as well as constricting blood vessels to reduce the appearance of broken capillaries or spider veins and targeting dark pigment, which lessens the appearance of dark spots.